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U11 & Up Academy Travel Program

U11 & Up Girls Academy Travel Program

Coaching Staff: Professionally Licensed Head Coach & Assistant Coach (when available)

Fall & Spring Training: 3 90-minute training sessions per week 

Winter Training: 2x 90-minute training sessions per week

League: EDP Fall & Spring League (U11/U12 9 vs. 9, U13 & Up 11 vs. 11)

Outdoor Tournaments: 3x Outdoor Tournaments Tri-State Area (Individual teams can decide to go outside of this travel range)

Indoor Tournaments: 3x Indoor Tournaments in NY or NJ 


Our U11 and older Academy Program becomes more tactically focused as we progress towards and through the 11 vs. 11 game model.   At this stage, we focus more on passing, possession, and tactical concepts within the thirds of the field.  Our teams at this stage will continue to compete in EDP and have opportunities to travel to higher-level tournaments based on the needs of their team.